Message from Mayor and Council

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

We have had a very busy year and are working toward continueing to grow all areas of the municipality and move some larger projects forward.

We are working hard to improve our communications with you  by combining good old fashioned listening with new technology and best practises.

In fact, we are considered to be a communications leader in this new way of governing in the RMs of Manitoba and we just won a national award for it: in conjunction with the RMs of East St. Paul and West St. Paul and First Person Strategies, from the International Association for Public Participation: The 2016 Core Values Award Organization of the Year  we won an Honourable Mention for “Entrenching Engagement in Emerging Communities”.

How are we improving communication?

Brand new website: we have just launched our new, cell-phone friendly website which has easy-to-find information and more of it. Take a look and let us know what you think on our Your Feedback page so we can make it even better:

Your Feedback web pages:  Here we can directly interact with you using surveys, question and answer forums, maps and more to get your feedback on projects as they are being developed. Your input could change the course of a project!

Our first project on Your Feedback was Let’s Talk Trash. Over 1600 people visited this page featuring background information, FAQs, a survey and a question and answer forum. The 552 people who registered to take the survey are also registered to participate in all future Your Feedback projects. Your RM Council has met and discussed the results of the survey, and, based on your input, made a plan. Tell us what you think at:

Emails: We have collected a list of over 1650 email addresses and counting so we can send you timely information quickly and inexpensively. We respect your privacy and only send occasional, relevant news to you.  Register today so you can find out what you’ve been missing!