
Last fall in our carpooling survey, 64% of respondents said they would like the RM to help residents find carpool partners. We have since partnered with the Partnership of the Manitoba Capital Region (all the communities directly adjacent to Winnipeg) on a Manitoba-wide carpooling website called GoManitoba. It can be used for anywhere you need to go; For regular events like work, school or appointments and for one time events like sporting events, shopping or concerts. Not only is it extremely useful for residents, the information collected can influence the possibility of future shuttles and transit routes.

After a quick and simple registration process, you can set up as many rides as you need. People can then enter destinations and search for someone with a similar route and schedule and plan accordingly. The RM has already setup one Park and Ride area in the southern part of the municipality to assist with parking. The more users that register for this website, the more useful it will be for everyone.

Find out more on the GoManitoba website, which features information on other commuting methods, benefits,  a commute calculator that shows how much money you are saving by not driving by yourself and how much you are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and much more!

Try the commute calculator yourself and see how much you can save!